
OMNI3 - The Four Beat Tapes (2013)

Haunted (2013) / Ninja Scrollz (2013) 
Om (2013) / The Revenge (2013)

1 comment:

  1. Haunted (2013):
    01. Haunted
    02. Outta My Mind
    03. Beast In Me
    04. Full Moon
    05. Burning Circle
    06. The Omen

    Ninja Scrollz (2013):
    01. Shogun Of The Dark
    02. Wordsmith Sagas
    03. Battle Grounds
    04. Scrap Metal Alchemist
    05. Storm Clouds

    Om (2013):
    01. Codex
    02. Cut Ya Throat
    03. Super
    04. Do Or Die
    05. F.E.A.R.
    06. God Is In You

    The Revenge (2013):
    01. Hammer In My Hand
    02. Pull The Trigger
    03. Old Boy
    04. Wispers Of A Black Widow
